Monday, March 12, 2018

Pick a path creative writing

Overall I am happy with how it came out and how my finishing product. Next time I think that I could make it a bit longer and a bit more descriptive. I think I did a good job with what I have made. I hope you like my pick a path.


  1. Hi Sophie!
    I really liked reading your pick a path, and the title and the background pulled me in so I really wanted to read more. I like how you chose good backgrounds that suit the slide also. Next time you could maybe add more detail in the last slides of the pick a path?
    Great job!
    From Tess

  2. I really like your pick a path because you made the writing sand out by highlighting it. It sounded good but maybe next time you could make it longer because it ended on a bit of a cliff hanger. Awesome work.
    From Cameron

  3. Hi Sophie
    I love your pick a path, it's really entertaining and fun to read. You chose exiting backgrounds which made me want to read even more, next time you make the story a bit more longer and add a bit more detail. But that's okay because this was your first time.
    Ka Pai, can't wait to read more of your exiting writing!

    1. Hi it is Sophie thank you for leaving a comment on my pick a path you are right about I need more detail in my story. Next time I will try to make my pick a path longer I have seen you pick a path and left a comment. From Sophie


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